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Boyertown Area Historical Society

Historical Society
Contact Info:
Stacy Faust


43 South Chestnut Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
Call: 610-367-5255


Description of Business: Historical Museum
The Boyertown Area Historical Society was established in 1972 to preserve the history of the Boyertown area. The Society's building was constructed in 1902 by local industrialist, George Unger. In the 1920's, the Archdiocese of Allentown purchased the property and established St. Columbkill Roman Catholic Church in the home. In the early 1950's, a stone facade and stained glass windows were added to the building. The Historical Society serves the area associated with the Boyertown Area School District.
Number of Employees: 1

Posted in Education, Membership Directory, Non-Profit